
Archive for February 3rd, 2009

The synchronicity of life amuses me greatly at times. I was preparing yesterday morning for a drama class I was teaching that afternoon and while tweaking the theme for the day..(a class for 8-12 year olds), I came across this quote from Arlo Guthrie.

“Let your hearts pour into each other. The moments we spend together are not limited to time and space. They are literally forever with us. Make your moments worthy of eternity.”

And it was Groundhog Day yesterday, and here in cold and snowy Indiana, we’re all yearning for spring to peek around the corner.  Small talk, yesterday,  was about whether that dratted Groundhog would make us keep repeating cold and snowy days;..and then the juxtaposition of eternal moments, eternal winter, and JJ’s reference to the spirituality of that awesome movie-Groundhog Day, one of my all time favorites,  just made me smile. Truth delivered on a day when I needed a reminder of the importance of the daily deeds we do for those we love.

This morning, I woke up and made breakfast for my family as they each prepared to depart into the snow and the cold for work and school and living. I lovingly packed each of them a lunch, tailored to each of their preferences and I smiled as I worked. Outside the window, snow was falling fast and covering everything in sight with a simple pure whiteness and I thought of why I value my Christian faith roots. The redemption of each human being as they struggle to make sense of the world and the firm belief that redemption is a joint project..one we each engage in at the point we are ready to move forward into the promised land-whatever your promised land looks like.

For today, mine is this quiet and peaceful life we live, with those we love in a simple place where we can look back on the eternal memories we have created together and forward to creating more. Whether winter stays for six more weeks or not. 🙂

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